What we do

We put our expertise into practice and customize the solutions that fit in your goals’ landscape. We are passionate believers of asset allocation and design our recommendations to suit different time horizons and life stages. We are partners in your growth journey. And we will ensure that you achieve your milestones.

What we don’t do

We are not here to encourage speculative investments, quick rich schemes or adventurous products. We are highly process driven so we won’t rush at the cost of quality. For us long term relationship is more important than short term profit.

We aim at helping you visualize a beautiful landscape in which you are able to accomplish all your milestones. Here is a bouquet of products that will make your financial journey fulfilling:


Mutual Funds


Bonds & Fixed Deposits


Sovereign Gold Bonds


National Pension Scheme (NPS)


Life Insurance


Health Insurance


Home / Travel / Motor Insurance


Other Savings & Investment Schemes

Your Financial Landscape 

Wealth Creation

‘Energy & Imagination are the springboards to wealth creation.” – Brian Tracy

At Bodhi Tree Wealth, we create a synergy between your goals and the most suitable financial products available so that you reach your destination stress free.

Our Wealth Creation strategy starts with gaining a deep understanding of the following:

  1. Goals or Objectives
  2. Risk Profile
  3. Time Horizon

Creating an amalgamation of the three, based on our expertise & experience, we create an investment plan best suited for enhancing your wealth while you do not miss on any of the opportunities during this journey.

An asset allocation is derived & thereafter build a sturdy portfolio that withstands all sorts of market turmoil & macro factors. We seamlessly & transparently process all your investments. We closely monitor the movememts in your investment portfolio so that you can watch your money grow without worrying about the short term term movements.

We take complete responsibility of nurturing your portfolio and making it reach the desired goal & objectives.


“A budget is telling your money where to go instead of wondering where it went” – Dave Ramsey

Budgeting is simply balancing your expenses with your income. If they don’t balance and you spend more than you make, you will have a problem. Many people don’t realize that they spend more than they earn and slowly the gap between Income and expenditure keeps widening.

You may want to buy everything you can today. But without a budget limiting your spending you may soon be left with nothing for the future, when the regular income becomes staggered and finally stops.

We don’t want you to either feel sad about giving up things in the present moment or be left with nothing for the future. Through our budgeting process we help you create a plan so that an adequate balance can be maintained between what you save & what you invest.

Kids’ Milestones

“Children are the world’s most valuable resource and its best hope for the future.” – John F. Kennedy

Are we ready to give our children the future they deserve?  Have we thought about giving them all the opprotunities they seek to utilise their potential to the maximum?

We are no longer in the old era when the choices were limited and preparing for those choices was so much simpler. Globalisation and the internet era have opened up a sea of opportunities for our children’s future. Their aspirations have widened, and the pre-requisite education has become an expensive affair.

Estimates suggest education inflation in India is about 10 – 12% on an annual basis. Even if we are to consider a conservative estimate of about 6-8% inflation, it would create a significant financial impact. For instance, an engineering degree that currently costs around Rs 6 lakh and MBA Rs 10 lakhs is likely to cost more than Rs 15 lakh and Rs 30 lakh after another 15 years. A post graduate course abroad in any of the top league colleges would cost more than 2 crores including boarding, food, gadgets and other expenses.

Insurance Planning

“Life is what happens to you when you are busy making alternate plans”. Unforeseen events in life can negate the best of financial plans. Thus its pertinent to take an overall risk assessment of ones own life and assets and take a sound coverage. We will help you identify areas of concern and develop a plan to reduce the risk financial loss as a part of insurance planning. We help you choose health and life insurance solutions that best fit your needs and can be trusted for quality service.


The good part is we are living longer. The sad part is we will have to pay for it. The chances of outliving your savings is imminent unless sound planning is done much in advance. This can give immense confidence to look forward to the golden years with dignity and without compromising on your lifestyle.  Planning for such a period would not only involve planning for your cash flows, it would equally be important be sensitive to rising inflation and medical costs. We work closely with you to understand this aspect and design our solutions accordingly. Our biggest delight is to make you believe that Retirement is not and end but a brand new beginning.

Estate Planning

Life time of wealth and assets creation is of no use if there is not a smooth transfer as per your wish. Estate planning is all about ensuring that all the investments are made in a manner in which the transition to the next generation can be done quite easily. It involves helping in consolidation, documentation, creation of WILL and assisting the next generation to take charge of the assets smoothly.

Tax Planning

There are only two things certain in life, Death and Taxes – Benjamin Franklin

The investment execution is done in a manner in which it is optimised for tax efficiency. The objective is greatest investing experience with least tax impact. Tax planning thus becomes extremely crucial to simply the complex world personal taxes and use the best possible tax saving options. We help you in this regard so that you make the most of your income and investments from tax point of view.

Corporate Employee Financial Wellness

Secure employees are happy employees and in turn make the work place happy. Organisations world over are going beyond employer/employee relationship to ensure employee wellness. We partner with such organisations and conduct workshops that help to educate employees on financial well being and lead them to financial security. We are happy to customise our workshops according to the management segment that is being focussed by an organisation.

About Us

We are here to simplify your financial journey.

505, Vipul Trade Centre,
Sohna Road, Sector 48, Gurugram, Haryana -18

+91 98298 07915
+91 98190 03158

Bodhi Tree Wealth is a brand owned by Manish Gulati. Manish Gulati is a CFP® and a QPFP®. We are AMFI registered Mutual Fund Distributor.